Singing a song #NaBloPoMo

This fall, a month or so after choir started, I decided to start going with a friend of mine.

I love to sing.
I can’t say I’m good at it, but I love it.

There is something special about making music that taps into my spirituality.  I’ll find myself singing as I debate a problem or wrestle with a solution. I sing as I pick out hymns. I work to connect the lyrics with the scriptures and message and use the tunes to set the emotional mood of the moment in worship.  I sing when I’m happy and microwaving my lunch (“Hot Pockets”).

I wasn’t sure if I could make the time commitment.  I wasn’t sure how I’d feel about the dual roles on Sunday mornings.  I wasn’t sure if my voice would be too tired.

But let’s be honest… I’m singing my guts out on the hymns and songs anyways.  I might as well stand with the choir for one more.

Tonight, I am exhausted and my vocal chords are tired, but I am so glad I joined the choir. Now I can’t imagine Wednesday without it.

P.S. pictures of people singing without mics look a lot like they are yelling!


1 Comment

  • Dylan Raines

    November 19, 2014 at 11:43 pm Reply

    Music, I think, is the most fundamental nature of existence.

    So, yeah, I hear ya 🙂

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