thinking ecumenically and maybe a little politically

Lately, I have been having quite a few conversations, theologically and politically with fellow pastors. It would be fair to say that my current colleagues are more conservative than my colleagues in seminary or college. And what amazed me was the fear that “liberal” colleagues expressed 8 years ago over the Bush administration are the

FF: Ritual

From Rev Gals: I believe that we live in a ritually impoverished culture, wherewe have few reasons for real celebration, and marking the passages of life.So… 1. Are ritual markings of birth marriage and death important to you?Absolutely! They are how we make meaning out of these very difficult and beautiful transitions in our lifes.


it seems like every piece of electronic equipment at the church decided to fail in the past week. Last Thursday when the boiler inspector stopped by, she noticed that our hot water heater was squirting water everywhere! Monday the internet wouldn’t work at the church and I was on the phone with tech support for

marriage: job of the state or of the church

…why it is that clergy are able to sign that piece of paper. It is because we are licensed by an approved body (the church). Or rather, it is because the state recognizes the license I already have. I could get licensed by the state to perform weddings, as a friend of mine did, but I already have a license. No need. Also – the only real “official” thing clergy does as far as the state is concerned is sign the piece of paper…

Derrama tu Santo Espíritu

Last night we had our second monthly bi-lingual worship service. None of the planning or preparation that we had really put into it could have created the spirit of worship that we shared. We couldn’t have made it happen… but God could. In our first worship service, we decided to pretty much stick with the