God Changes Minds

I change my mind all the time. I like variety. I learn. I grow. I experience new things. I’m in a different mood. And my understanding and beliefs change as a result. All. The. Time. Most recently, we have been doing some work on our backyard. Early this spring, we removed a few trees. And

What's Your Story?

Living, Risen God, May the words of my mouth be your words, and may I be blessed with the courage to say them. May the thoughts of all of our hearts and our minds, be your thoughts, and may we be blessed with the courage to live them. Amen. This morning, I invite you to

The praise of crickets

Today, I discovered this recording of crickets, overlayed with the same recording slowed down.  Their song is a hymn… voices in harmony… like the sounds of a human chorus. It got me thinking about Luke 19: 37-40. Even if we don’t notice, the whole creation is lifting up a song of praise. Even if we

Going Up?

Are you going up? Are you… climbing the ladder… increasing in stature… measuring success in leaps and bounds? Are you going up? I’m not asking if you are climbing the corporate ladder… or increasing your standing in the community… or raking in the dollars and cents. Are you going up? Are you climbing Jacob’s ladder?