God is Speaking!

Last Saturday, Brandon and I cuddled up on our gigantic couch in the family room, turned on Netflix, and proceeded to binge watch an entire season of a new show. There was no waiting to see what would happen next… the episode played automatically. There were no spoilers, because the series, Altered Carbon, had just


My aunt Barb was an amazing woman.  She put a positive spin on everything that she experienced.  She had an incredible work ethic and loved her catering and restaurant businesses.  But she also deeply loved those she worked with and her family grew to include not only her own flesh and blood, but also their


In October, my facebook feed and our news stories were filled with two little words: #metoo Sisters from all sorts of walks of life started telling their stories, speaking their truths, naming names. It was like the flood gates had broken loose. Some could only type out those two words (#metoo) and others wrote chapters


About nine years ago, we were in the midst of one of those bitterly cold Januarys… not unlike the one we have experienced here! The snow was falling and the temperature was below zero, but I bundled up that afternoon and went to the local nursing home where I held a monthly worship service. I

Rise Up!

As we gather this morning to worship, we are looking backwards towards these strange individuals who saw a star in a sky and who let it take them to a manger in Bethlehem. They heard God speaking through that heavenly vision… maybe not in so many words, but in a language and a message that

Follow the Star

Today, we come to the end of our journey through Narnia and the Christmas season with the celebration of Epiphany.  The word Epiphany means “an appearance or manifestation” and on the twelfth day after Christmas, it is a celebration of the manifestation of God’s love in human form… and of all of those people to

Love before Knowledge

There are two things I have come to hope for on Communion Sundays: Welch’s grape juice in the cup, and Hawaiian Sweet Bread on the table.   And that’s for a couple of reasons: First, they both taste better than most other options available. Second, the Hawaiian Sweet Bread is the perfect combination of soft