every piece of the pie

I’ve always liked playing Trivial Pursuit.  The questions were always so difficult, but I like that the game aims to help you be well-rounded in your knowledge.  The goal is to get every single different piece of the pie filled in… only then do you win the game. Maybe that’s because I’ve always been somewhat of


In today’s parable, Jesus is in the middle of teaching his disciples one last time.  He is only days away from his crucifixion in Jerusalem, days away from leaving them, days away from his death.  Jesus wants to make sure they are prepared for life after he is gone. He is asking these people to

Build the Church Again

It is the last Sunday of the fair. The final Sunday of the Olympics. The last Sunday before the school year starts for our children. And the final Sunday of our Summer of the Prophets.   It might be hard to believe it, but this summer we’ve covered about 400 years of biblical history.  We’ve

The Beloved Community

Today, we enter the world of Micah… a prophet from the late 8th century…  just over 700 years before Christ. And to put ourselves in Micah’s shoes, I want you to imagine with me for a moment a world that is under great stress. Imagine pressure coming from an aggressive empire or state that believes