Tag… I’m it!

As I looked at my google reader queue, I realized I had 457 unread posts. That is unreal. And it was necessary to fix the problem. A bit of the way into the adventure, I found out that I had been tagged by my friend Jessica and didn’t even realize it! So, since I’m a few weeks late, I figured I had better remedy the problem:

plotting and planning

I spent part of my afternoon off today doing laundry, and the other part plotting out the remainder of my flower garden.  I’m putting in mostly perennials, so that they are easier to work with in the long run… Here is what I have so far.

Excuse me, Pastor…

I make mistakes… Often. The latest incarnation of mistakes came this past Sunday. I have a lot of big ideas, but I am not always good at figuring out the details… how things will ebb and flow.  And so, I set in motion a plan to help my congregation discern their spiritual gifts during worship.

spring is just around the corner

Gardening has really been a spiritual experience for me these past couple of years. It is hard work, down on your hands and knees, working with the earth. Watching the miracle of life come from a tiny seed reminds me of the gifts we recieve every day from our Creator. Nurturing the plants… but mostly pulling the weeds… has reminded me that our faith life needs to be tended as well in order for growth to happen. I have experienced joy from sharing the fruits with others and simply looking out over that bounty with thankfulness.

How Bout Them Hawkeyes?

With Norm Parker and now O’Keefe… is it a coaching rebuild year for Iowa?  It will be interesting to see how the dynamic of the entire team changes with out their offensive and defensive coordinators.  I’m hoping for less “safe” plays and more pizazz.