pastoral discoveries

So – my last post kind of cryptically talked about growing and stretching and being challenged and stressed. As I’m wading around in all of that still, I thought it would be good to talk about some of the things that Im learning about what it means to be a pastor in the midst of

love list

Kristin T. over on Halfway to Normal has been talking a lot about love lists lately. a list that you make over time detailing the things you love most in life—the things that make you feel most content in the world, and most like you. She goes on to say that while this is very

FF: Ritual

From Rev Gals: I believe that we live in a ritually impoverished culture, wherewe have few reasons for real celebration, and marking the passages of life.So… 1. Are ritual markings of birth marriage and death important to you?Absolutely! They are how we make meaning out of these very difficult and beautiful transitions in our lifes.

law or grace?

i was talking with a friend tonight about guilt and its absolutely pervasive impact on our lives. She was talking about something that is a normal and healthy part of her life and yet there was still residual guilt from societal standards that come up afterwards. Guilt is such a terrible terrible thing. And I