disappointing numbers

The numbers game is something that we play a lot in the church.  We want to know how many baptisms and members and monies and ministries were at play in a given year.  We want to see upward trending statistics.  We believe success lies in digits… which supposedly translate into actual lives being transformed… although

potluck worship

A colleague of mine recently forwarded an email about potlucks and banquets.  It was written by  Dr. Ed Robinson, the president of MidAmerica Nazarene University in Olathe, KS. photo by: Gözde Otman Dr. Robinson asks us if our worshipping experiences are more like banquets or potlucks.  And by that he means: do you come to

foolish vigor

While I might be young, I’m also a bit daring. I have found myself in recent events at the front of the room instead of the back. Maybe it is my naiveity, but even standing at the front or on a committee, I wonder where the hope has gone. I wonder where the risk has

born this way

A good friend helped me to find a post by Brian Kirk called “Lady Gaga, Lent, Teens, and Original Sin.” It is a good read, but there are a few tweaks that I might have made to his argument. In his article, Kirk shows how Lady Gaga’s latest song “Born This Way,” helps teenagers to

what we are saved from matters – or – what if Rob Bell has a point?

I’m just a small voice, but I have a two cents to add to the pot on this whole “Rob Bell Universalism” controversy. Before his book is even out, folks are making all kinds of assumptions about what it says.  And there are probably enough indicators in the youtube preview of “Love Wins” that you