Exercise and Practice

This thought was waiting for me in my email inbox this morning, as I finished day one of working out again: Here is a traveler. He has launched out on a long journey. He comes to the first inn, and there he remains forever. His reason? He has been told that many travelers have come

Good News and Good Works

I’ve had some conversations recently about the work of Imagine No Malaria from folks who are concerned that we are doing good, but we aren’t sharing the gospel. My first response to that question is to seek out and share more stories about how lives are being changed and, yes, saved, because of the work

Dear "Sign Guy"…

As I drive north on 380 from home, there is a field right by the interstate that has a homespun billboard.  For five years, I have been disappointed by the trite, sometimes offensive, and always partisan slogans that grace this sign. Maybe part of my disappointment is there is no opportunity for relationship or conversation.

Praying on an airplane

Friday I took an early morning flight home.  I had been in Nashville for a few days to train some new field coordinators for Imagine No Malaria and get refreshed myself on the latest info. But that flight came early. My cab arrived at 4. I was done with socializing around 1. So… yeah, not