
When I was in high school, my youth group went on an international mission trip to Peru. Forty youth plus chaperones set out from Cedar Rapids determined to make a difference in the lives of other people. We even made t-shirts. I remember the night that we came up with the slogan for the back

J&MES: Faith & Action

This month in worship, we are going to be focusing on the book of James in the New Testament. It is all the way in the back of our bibles… just after Hebrews and right before a couple of shorter letters that lead into Revelation. This book is actually a letter written by James to

How long?

As I have sat each morning with my daily devotions it is wonderful to be immersed in one psalm for the entire week. What I find is that each day as I read it, a different verse or sentiment speaks to my soul. These past two weeks have included hopeful laments… the cries of the

paying attention

Today, in my devotional reading this thought from The Spiritual Life struck me: To be human is to pray… prayer is the disciplined dedication to paying attention. As I sit here and try to write this morning, I must admit I am distracted. Distracted by the remnants of water in our basement (our backup sump