
I’ve been thinking a lot about marriage and weddings – for quite a few reasons. I just celebrated at my second wedding of the summer, my dh and I just had our second wedding anniversary, and I’ve been following some posts @ that have been on the topic of sex and marriage. When I

My Calling…

While some people are born into a church and live their entire lives in that context, my faith journey didn’t begin until my sophomore year in high school. My family has never been extremely religious; although both of my parents grew up within the United Methodist Church they did not make it a priority within

Fear of the Unknown

This morning my husband and I were rudely awakened by a very loud rustling and movement zooming into our bedroom. The commotion stopped dead underneath the bed. As I shrieked, sure that some kind of creature the size of a racoon was surely about to attack me, I kind of halfway woke up. And then


What is the one consistent message of the scriptures in 140 characters or less? We are jumping around a bit in my church with the lectionary, and this Sunday we are talking about hearing the word of God. In Ephesians 4:4-6 we hear that there is one body and one Spirit, just as you were


It’s not always the easiest to link to things as I see them or to comment on an image or a song I run across. So as you stop by, I want to invite you to also check out my tumblog. You can get to it through the tab at the top of the page


(these are the notes for this mornings sermon… structure provided by Scripture: Isaiah 6:5-7, 2 Samuel 11:26-12:13 Confession is tricky business. Like King David, sometimes we have to have the injustices we have committed shown to us in a new light before we even understand that we have done anything wrong. While it is