ancestors and language

Part of the reason I have been conspicuously absent lately is that I was getting ready for and now being invigorated by the Miss Czech-Slovak Iowa pageant and Houby Days. I was invited to be a judge at this year’s competition and I was honored to do so. For those of you who aren’t aware


I’ve been away… yes, I realize this. life has been far too busy to blog. But tonight I cleaned my desk off in my home office and I might actually have a place to blog in comfort again =)

GBCS Action Alert on Torture

GBCS Action Alert on Torture Our commitment to human rights is grounded in the conviction that each and every human life is sacred. Therefore the United Methodist Church endorses legislative and judicial remedies for the use of torture and illegal detention …such as the appointment of special counsels [and] appropriate investigations. #6120 “Opposition to Torture”


I’m a little scared of composting. I have heard from countless places that it doesn’t take that much work, that it doesn’t really smell, but I’m still a little hesitant to get started. Well, that and I’m lazy. I found this article today though on composting and it seems simple enough that even I might

beginning again

Spring is here in full force and that makes me want to be outside… but it also reminds me that winter has been a time of sloth. I got up this morning and worked out with wii fit. I did yoga and strength exercises and then finished with a little bit of cardio. I know