
A relative shared this on facebook, and I am still amazed every time I see it. I love this story so much and wanted to share!!!

senseful worship

I am a strong believer in using all of our minds, bodies and souls in worship. And one of the primary ways that I try to encourage people to reach that place is by thinking of all of our five senses and the worship experience. What are the things we hear? What kinds of smells

sunday afternoon

This is Tiki… totally sprawled out on the back of the couch, not a care in the world, just being. This is exactly what Sunday afternoons are for me too. A time to just lay back, relax, let all of the business of the morning slide away and simply to be. Good food with family,

Transfigured Transitions

I was a speech and drama geek in high school. From the beginning of classes in September until the school year ended in May, you could find me in Mrs. Campbell’s room. I was in every play, every musical, and competed at large group and individual speech contests every year. Each and every event required

FF: Taking a Break

I offer this Taking a Break Friday Five. Tell us how you would spend: 1. a 15 minute breakNowadays, a 15 minute break is spent checking email or hopping on the internet to browse facebook or the grey’s anatomy message boards. 2. an afternoon offThis happens kind of frequently because I tend to use my

preparing for surgery

I visited the surgeon’s office yesterday and now have my surgery scheduled. March 11. Three weeks seems like a long time to keep waiting – as it has been about 2 already. But at same time, I had a few things in my schedule to work around: namely my continuance interview for provisional membership in