
Today has been a lazy day. I’ve spent much of it on the couch playing games and watching movies. It’s been a lazy week, really, and I’m not to proud to admit it. I feel like I’m kind of in a funk right now – like I have been working too hard and I just

Work In Progress

I have been needing a place to post sermons – and so in the next week’s I’ll be going back through and backdating/updating with my sermons from the past year. Check back soon!

Take Me Home.

Today was bitterly cold outside. So cold in fact that they cancelled school. And I cancelled church activities. You just didn’t want to go outside unless you had to. I’m not being a wuss – I’m talking record setting all time lows here – you would get frostbite in 7 minutes in this weather. I


Yeah, I know it’s been winter for like three weeks now, but we are getting some pretty heavy winter weather in Iowa this week. I normally take Monday mornings off – to recouperate from the weekend – and then head in to the office after lunch. But I didn’t really feel like shoveling the driveway,

Whose Baptism?

For a few weeks, I have felt a bit off in my sermon prep. The pieces I wanted to come together hadn’t, and it just seemed like the message wasn’t connecting with people where they were. This week, I surely had a much different focus going into the sermon than what was produced, but I

Whose Baptism

Acts 19:1-7, Mark 1:4-11 This morning I want to share with you a modern parable about a group of men who drove to Des Moines in order to see a crazy traveling preacher that had made her way to Iowa. The gal’s name was Jane B. and she dressed in all black and leather with