
Today the hubby and I got up and headed over to my parents’ house for lunch and to see the rest of the fam. But not before we shoveled the driveway. There were six inches of beautiful white fluffy stuff on the drive. And it made the drive quite long. We had a good day.

FF: Pancakes

Fridays are my days off, but I got up at a reasonable time to draft a letter of support from our ministerial alliance for a grant the city is trying to recieve. Somehow I became president of our ministerial alliance, even though I’m the youngest one and I’ve only been here for a year. Or


A few weeks ago, I blogged about my lack of a ‘mom look’ and so on the advice of lots of people… as well as something that I just knew I needed to do, I scheduled a youth/parent meeting to try to get more of our adults involved with the youth group. Our first gathering


This Wednesday morning, like almost every Wednesday morning, I headed over to the local cafe for breakfast with other area pastors. Normally it is me and the LCMS pastor and the DCE from his church and it’s quite an odd combination. But we get along really well and have some fantastic conversations. Occasionally we are


Today I really got back into the swing of church work because our regular groups started meeting again in the new year. This morning, it was the Sharing As Caring Christians fellowship, or SACC. They meet around food and take turns sharing devotions and then a lesson for the day. This is one group that


I finished the sermon prep last night at about 1:00 and headed off to bed – completely oblivious to the freezing rain outside. I had heard that it was coming, but in all honesty had thought it petered out. My bad. I had planned on getting up at 7, but for the first time on

Light in the Darkness

Luke 2:22-40, Isaiah 60 On this morning, we finish the Christmas story by celebrating the Epiphany. The word Epiphany means “an appearance or manifestation” and on this holy day, people around the world celebrate that God came down to earth, took on our human form, and lived among us. In particular, we celebrate those to