the mom voice

I’ve been struggling in recent weeks with whether or not I have the gift for youth ministry. Or whether I just can’t figure out how to reach this particular group of kids. I spent some time talking with my mom about this recently, and came to the realization that I don’t have a “mom voice.”


oh… and since i got up early, I made some coffee. it tastes so good, but in the long run, it’s going to tear my esophoghas in two… i just know it! I guess you just have to make choices, and this morning, I’m choosing based on my short term sanity vs. long term health.

Lectionary Leanings

The second installment of my articles for the Circuit Rider: December 7Isaiah 40:1-11, Psalm 85:1-2, 8-13,II Peter 3:8-15a, Mark 1:1-8Anticipation is not an emotion that we experience too often these days. We live in a “have it your way, fast” kind of culture. Anything you want in the entire world is at your fingertips through

Wake Up!

This news story was posted yesterday on Yahoo News – “Sebastian D’Souza hears the gunfire at (shah-trapati shiv-a-ji)) Terminus from his office across the street at the Mumbai Mirror tabloid. He follows the sound through the sprawling station, slipping unseen through parked trains. When he first catches sight of the young men, he doesn’t realize

Advent Conspiracy

My friend Matt posted over at his blog “The Truth As Best I Know It” about the supposed war on Christmas and the Advent Consipracy. I too, fail to lament the taking of Christmas out of stores of our courthouses… when Christianity becomes too confused with the civic religion, it suffers and gets bogged down