out of the loop

Alright, I’ve been avoiding the blog… well, not avoiding it, but i’ve been distracted by other things. namely – grey’s anatomy. Sometimes I’m embarassed about how much I’m into the show… and how excited I am for it to start back up. But I’ve also been legitimately busy at church. The week before last I

C is for Care

In October of 2006, my dad’s dad, my grandpa, my Deda, passed away. It was a long and slow and painful process – with diabetes doing a number on his body and its ability to heal itself. I was living in Nashville at the time, attending seminary, and I happened to have a very strange

B is for Bound Together

When I think about this very difficult passage from Matthew today I’m very aware of the fact that there are some things in this life that only a mother could say to you – some things about ourselves that we will never hear unless they come from the lips of someone who unconditionally loves you.

FF: Vulnerable

From Rev Gals: “I have recently been reading a book entitled Jesus wept, it is all about vulnerability in leadership. The authors speak of how Jesus shared his earthly frustrations and vulnerabilities with a select group of people. To some he was the charismatic leader and teacher, to others words of wisdom were opened and

A is for Acceptance

I told all of you last week that we were going to spend this fall exploring what the scriptures tell us about how to be the church. And so today we start at the very beginning – just like all of those kids heading off to kindergarten for the first time, we are going to

Lectionary Leanings

I’m beginning a sort of series at the church – each week is one way that we are called to be the church. I’m tying in very loosly “I Am who I am” with “Who do you say that I am” from last week and the fact that although Peter gets that Jesus is the