
i got a message today from the conference that the church has not been paying my pension and health insurance (which includes my individual contribution that has been witheld from my paycheck every month). I’m assuming the treasurer just didn’t know it was supposed to be sent in. But it means that we technically have

Lectionary Leanings

“Throw me a bone here!” My local pastors gathering talks about the lectionary a week early, and so last week I came up with the core of my message and my sermon title. Jesus tells the woman he can’t help her because he has a mission… which the text says she isn’t offended by, but

Getting out of the Boat

Sermon Text: Romans 10:5-15, Matthew 14:22-33Hymns for the Day: Many Gifts, One Spirit; You Are Mine; Here I am, Lord Some mornings I feel very inadequate standing up here. It’s not that I’m unprepared, or unqualified in the worldly sense… it’s that I’m unprepared and unqualified in the godly sense. Who really is ready for

Lectionary Leanings

After preaching last week on who is missing… I feel obligated to listen for God’s word on how we reach those that we have named. This week’s lectionary readings, have me thinking about going to where people are – instead of waiting for them to come to you. Romans has this great two step plan


in college I took at least one class where I learned about Buddhism. and then in seminary, one of my favorite and most fulfilling classes was on Buddhist-Christian dialogue. Even after my short entre into Buddhism, I’m not prepared to say if it is a religion or a philosophy like some will debate. I probably

Lectionary Leanings

After preaching last week on who is missing… I feel obligated to listen for God’s word on how we reach those that we have named. This week’s lectionary readings, have me thinking about going to where people are – instead of waiting for them to come to you. Romans has this great two step plan


h I found out yesterday that the house I grew up in burned to the ground. It was a beautifully constructed old farmhouse. The woodwork was beautiful throughout the entire house, with built-in cabinetry throughout the house – stuff that you just don’t see made any more. Some of the walls had been painted years