Who is Missing

Last week while on vacation,  I got to spend a lot of time with my neice and nephew.  My neice is three and my nephew is almost seven years old.  And whenever you spend so much time around little ones, you are guaranteed to hear the cutests and darndest things. As we began to make


At a meeting, it hit me how facebook changed our world, when we knew where others had been & been doing fromstatus updates. Good or bad? Discuss.


just had meeting re: young adult ministry. that + my time away has me thinking about ministry and my introvert tendencies. Praying for courage!

Lectionary Leanings

I’m hearing Romans call to me this week. Every time we gather around the communion table (this Sunday, being the first Sunday for us), I say something about looking around and noticing who is not at the table with us today – either by choice, because of illness, or because we haven’t invited them. I