sigh of relief!!!

it’s 7:30… and i’m about to get dressed for church… and then put a few more things into my suitcase… and then i’m off! Off to preach and THEN OFF ON VACATION!!! I am SO excited to be getting away for a few days. So ready for a break. So desperate for a few days

ABC’s of …

I spent a lot of time in the car last week – having to drive to the hospital in another city and then traveling yet again to meet with my clergy mentor. And as I did so, I kept thinking about how we can really ramp up energy for the fall and then sustain it.


how on earth do I get through to my youth group kids? this thursday was supposed to be our big summer start-up. Typically, if school is not in session, youth group doesn’t meet, but so many of them asked if we could continue through the summer that I said yes… for part of it at

tuesday thoughts

I’ve been posting every Tuesday over at revgals – and realized that I’m not really posting much here on my OWN blog =) so. I’m going to post my reflections here, and then link from there back over. woot! I’m doing a series right now on Wesley’s General Rules, or as Reuben Job likes to