I’m procrastinating on my sermom fine-tuning by posting here, but it is something that has been troubling me. If people in my congregation are having thoughts that I feel are theologically worrisome, do I let them continue in them, or just keep telling them my own over and over? Specifically, this is about interpreting the…
Friday Five
So, i’ve been hanging out a lot at RevGalBlogPals.blogspot.com when I work on my sermons and prepare for worship and what not. and they have this thing called friday five where there are five things to blog about… so i’m going to start doing it. This week: Free word association with the following words 1.…
Despair to Hope
There are only two things that I really want to comment on this morning – and then I want us to turn our hearts and minds to a time of prayer – because Heaven help us, this is going to be a long summer in Eastern Iowa. First of all, I was so surprised last…
right now, our state is experiencing the worst floods EVER recorded here. The town that I am serving is so far semi-okay… the levee is holding, but the water is only .7′ below the levee – and all day long, storms have been springing up. Last night, the river was only at 20.1 and now…
I Love You, Buddy.
There is a series of videos called Nooma, and they are short 10-15 minute videos with a man named Rob Bell. Rob shares throughout these videos new ways to think about and to experience the Christian faith and he does so in a way that is very accessible for people who are new to Christianity…
clearing away brush… planting new seeds
there are so many things happening in the church and in our lives! And I really should have been here sharing all of it! I’m making a list and maybe I’ll get back and update sometime today. Church1) Be the Church Sunday2) Garage Sale Success3) So many funerals4) 5 baptisms in one sunday!5) art project…
If the man was right.. the world would be too
In the beginning…. Before even this world was created… from the very start of it all… there was God. I don’t know about you, but thinking about what was going on before our world was created gives me a headache. It makes my brain go all fuzzy. Because we don’t know and we can’t know…
officially graduated and stuff…
well, officially, I guess, I’m finished with school. Graduation at Vanderbilt was this friday, but I didn’t head back to Tennessee for the ceremony. I’m not exactly sure why not, other than it was going to be kind of expensive to go. And I knew that this week would be busy with events at the…