A Place at the Table

Yesterday, my husband and I took advantage of the beautiful day to do some work in the yard. One of our primary tasks for the day was to take care of some problematic trees and shrubs and to work on the perennials. Needless to say, like the vineyard keeper in John’s gospel we did some

You Are Family

As a child, when I feel down and skinned my knee, there was nothing I wanted more than to be held in the arms of a parent.  Their soothing words helped me to know that this moment of crisis was only temporary and that I would be okay. When I was a bit older, I

Go Back Home

Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! When those women showed up at the tomb on Easter morning, they didn’t know they were supposed to shout for joy. They were confused and disoriented and more than a little startled by the angel appearing before them. Christ has been

Who Is Included in We?

Everyone loves a hometown hero… The kid who excelled at sports or music or science and then went away to accomplish their dreams. When they return home, that child is often greeted with love and adoration as friends, family, and neighbors cheer on one of their own. This was the case when Jesus came back

Breaking the Rules

As children, our understanding of right and wrong, good and bad, and the direction of our moral compass is shaped by our parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, teachers, older siblings, friends, and neighbors. Sometimes, they do this through gentle encouragement. Other times, it is by laying down strict boundaries. In other cases, it is the failure

Do What Is Good

I think in many ways it is a cruel irony that as we begin our Lenten series on heroes that our first pop culture example is the Dark Knight, Batman. As a young boy, Bruce Wayne was a victim of gun violence. In a dark alley, his parents were gunned down by a thief in