Text: Luke 24:1-12 Earlier this week, I was preparing for worship and listening to some of the music selected for our time of worship today. And, friends, I’m going to be honest, I’m struggling a bit right now. I’ve got some family stuff that is heavy on my heart. We’ve got some things to navigate…
The Lord’s Prayer: Thine is the Kingdom
Text: 1 Chronicles 29:1, 5b-6, 9-13; Luke 19:28-40 In our confirmation lessons this month, we are exploring the vows that these young folks will make on May 15. They will stand before this church and pledge to renounce the spiritual forces of wickedness, reject the evil powers of this world and repent of their sin.…
The Lord’s Prayer: Our Daily Bread
Text: John 6:30-35; James 2:15-17 During this season of Lent, we are taking time to dive deep and explore together the prayer that Jesus taught us. Already, we have thought about what it means to be in conversation and relationship with our Holy Parent. We spent last week thinking about what God desires and intends…
The Lord’s Prayer: Thy Kingdom Come
Text: Isaiah 2:2-5 “Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” This short phrase is one of the most subversive and radical things that we can say as Christian people. And we say it every week. Too often, we rush over the words, practically tripping over them to get…
The Lord’s Prayer: Our Holy Father
Text: Luke 11:1-10 This year as we journey through Lent, we are being led by prayer. Well, one prayer in particular. The prayer that Jesus taught us. We teach it to our children. We recite it each week in worship. It is often a prayer that I will recite with families at the bedside of…
UMC 101: The Local Church & Membership
Text: 2 Corinthians 3:12-13, 3:18-4:1, 5-6; Book of Discipline 201-204, 214-221 Over the last seven weeks, we have explored together some of the foundational beliefs and practices of the United Methodist Church. Our focus on grace and faith put into practice. The call to reach out and share the love of God with all people.…
UMC 101: An Inclusive Church
Text: Luke 5:17-26, Book of Discipline – Constitution Preamble and ¶1-5, ¶140, and the new 6 Over this last month as we have worshipped with one another, there has been a recurring theme at the core of our tradition: God’s grace and love is for all. The prevenient grace of God stretches out to all people,…
UMC 101: We are ALL Ministers
Text: Ephesians 4:4-16, Book of Discipline P126-139 Last week, I offered a very brief summary of scripture: God forgives us. God loves us. God has a job for us. And we see this message at work in our scripture for this morning. We are forgiven by the ONE lord, through our ONE faith and in…