
Yesterday, I preached on Jesus and the fig tree.  It is such a strange pericope (aka story).  Both Matthew and Mark tell us (Matthew 21 and Mark 11) that Jesus was walking along, sees a fig tree, doesn’t find fruit, curses the tree and wham-o, it dies. What?!?! There is a broader point to the story,


My aunt Barb has been diagnosed and treating uterine and ovarian cancer for about two years now. She has been through a few rounds of surgery, chemo, and radiation. Some of it has been successful! Some of the cancer has returned. It has been an up and down journey, but she has had quite a

Competing Goals

One of my goals for this renewal leave was to cook more meals in the evening for myself and my husband. It is something I love to do, and I use about two more pots or utensils than I need and make a lovely delicious mess every time. But I love to cook. I love

Manipulate or appreciate?

Henri Nouwen writes: It is impressive to see how prayer opens one’s eyes to nature.  Prayer makes men [and women, I’d add] contemplative and attentive.  In place of manipulating, he who prays stands receptive before the world. He no longer grabs but caresses, he no longer bites, but kisses, he no longer examines but admires…. Instead of an

The itch

Last week, I got into some poison ivy. First, on the disc golf course as we were looking for a shot that was too long and in the rough. I noticed it after traipsing through. Then, in my very own backyard.  We had a gigantic bush of the stuff, all viney and spread out everywhere. 

How long?

As I have sat each morning with my daily devotions it is wonderful to be immersed in one psalm for the entire week. What I find is that each day as I read it, a different verse or sentiment speaks to my soul. These past two weeks have included hopeful laments… the cries of the