Who do you say I am?

I started reading Neil Cole’s Organic Church this morning. I am highlighting like a fool, but one line caused me to stop and pick up my phone to blog: Before one speaks about starting or growing churches, one simply must wrestle with this question: “Who is Jesus to you?” Maybe what struck me so much

paying attention

Today, in my devotional reading this thought from The Spiritual Life struck me: To be human is to pray… prayer is the disciplined dedication to paying attention. As I sit here and try to write this morning, I must admit I am distracted. Distracted by the remnants of water in our basement (our backup sump

Alternatives to Herbicide

I always through there were two options when it came to weeds. 1) you could spray chemicals all over them and hope they die… or use more natural chemical reactions like vinegar and hot water to cause them to wither. 2) you could get out there with a hoe, like my deda (grandpa) always did,

Attracting Butterflies

This morning as I sat on the back porch, drinking a cup of coffee, I found a white butterfly flitting around. It is the first one I have had a chance to notice since we moved in.  Maybe they have been here before and I just hadn’t stopped long enough to see.  Maybe our butterfly garden

Resting in the gaps

A cup of coffee on the back porch. Rain falling, gently at times, harder at others. I do have a plan for this time away. It is not vacation or down time, it is a time to practice different rhythms and see what grows. I hoped to weed the garden this morning. But the rain