
Still and quiet in the cove. Every now and then a sprinkle. Lazy breezes blow by and the birds talk to each other. They catch up as we catch up. Goldfinch and cardinals, sparrows and blue jays. Dancing and playing in the trees. They feast on the gnats until the gnats feast on us. So

True Worship

“We keep a troubled vigil at the bedside of the world,” writes Howard Thurman, “Thus we clutch the moment of intimacy in worship when we become momentarily a part of a larger whole, a fleeting strength, which we pit against all the darkness and the dread of our times. I want to invite you to


These are the jobs we are assigned to do as the Church Council, according to the Book of Discipline: Plan and implement all the programs of nurture, outreach, witness and resources. Administer the church organization Envision, Plan, Implement and Evaluate the mission and ministry of the church. Act as the administrative agency of the charge

God Changes Minds

I change my mind all the time. I like variety. I learn. I grow. I experience new things. I’m in a different mood. And my understanding and beliefs change as a result. All. The. Time. Most recently, we have been doing some work on our backyard. Early this spring, we removed a few trees. And