On Trial for Christ

Text: Acts 26:1-7, 20-23 “When the people of Jesus follow the way of Jesus, their stories begin to look like his story.”  – The Bible Project As we have followed along through the book of Acts throughout this summer, we have seen that happen in the life of the disciples and the apostles.  God’s Spirit

A City of Idols

Text: Acts 17:16-32 When I lived in Nashville for seminary, my house just around the corner from Centennial Park. In 1897, to celebrate one hundred years of statehood, Nashville hosted a World’s Fair – type exposition.  Many incredible buildings were constructed on the park grounds… including a full scale replica of the Parthenon from Athens.

No Additional Burdens

Text: Acts 15:1-2, 4-6, 12-13, 19-21 This week at VBS, we learned a lot of awesome stories about how Jesus power is with us. And every single night we had a totally true, awesome story from the Book of Acts. We talked about how Jesus helps us do hard things with the story of Ananias


Acts 13: 1-5, 13-16, 43-52 About two months before the pandemic began, I was on renewal leave.  Honestly, that time was such a gift.  I was able to refill my cup and energize my spirit and I don’t know how I would have made it through the last 18 months if I had been as

The Church in Antioch

Text: Acts 11: 19-30 In our lesson for today, Luke notes that this new community in Antioch represents the very first time that people were called, “Christians.” Before this, we’ve had a lot of different descriptions of these folks. Jews.  Disciples.  Followers of the Way.  Those who were part of “This Life.”  It was hard

Expanding Our Vision

Text: Acts 10: 1-5, 9-15, 19-20, 24, 27-28, 34-36, 44-48  Eighty five years ago, I probably would not have been welcomed in this pulpit.  As a woman, ordination was out of the question.  A combination of tradition and a patriarchal society and a way of reading the scriptures precluded the church from welcoming women as

What Happened in Damascus?

Text: Acts 9:1-20 Our scripture today starts with lines drawn in the sand. Us verses them. The faithful, orthodox, Jewish leader vs. the rebellious believers of the Way. Division. Destruction. And everyone so sure that they were on the side that was right. You know, on this national holiday weekend, I can’t ignore how this