Go. Do. Teach

Acts 6:8-15, 7:51-8:3     A father was trying to teach his three sons to do their fair share of the house cleaning. The first place that he started was the bathroom. Dad crammed the three boys into the room and proceeded to clean the toilet in front of them. Alright, I’ve showed them, the father

Real Church is Messy

Acts 5:1-11, 6:1-7 This summer, as we study together through the book of Acts, I wish that we could talk about every single verse… but we simply don’t have time. So I hope that you are checking out our daily video devotion – which can be found on our facebook page OR on our church

Shoulder to Shoulder

Text: John 15:9-15 Exactly one month before the pandemic began, I got away for a few days with some of my best friends in the world. Stasia and I have been friends since Kindergarten.  Cara and I were assigned to the same table group in fourth grade.  Jana moved into town in seventh grade.  And

Like a Shepherd

Text: John 10: 11-18; 1 John 3:16-24 Last week in our time of worship we remembered that WE are EASTER people.  We are the living proof of the resurrection. We are the body of Christ, alive, serving, sharing the good news with the world. That’s all well and good… But what does it actually look

Living Proof

Text: Luke 24:36b-48 Did the resurrection actually happen?  I know what you are thinking… that’s an awfully strange question for a pastor to be asking. But I wasn’t there.  You weren’t there.  It happened a really long time ago. If someone asked me that question today, if I had proof that Jesus is alive, what