Lately, I’ve been watching a lot of cooking shows. What can I say, it is hibernating season! Time to add the layer of fat for winter =) Needless to say, I’ve seen my fair share of episodes of Iron Chef America lately. And as Alton Brown and Kevin Brauch and the Chairman lead us through…
Why I’m not blogging right now…
A) Life at the church hit the ground running in mid September and hasn’t stopped since then. B) When I’m not at church, I’m desperately trying to spend more time with my husband and family. Sometimes with little success, but I’m trying. C) T.V. shows are back on… and I have some crocheting projects that…
Judicial Retention and the Trust Clause of the UMC
This week in Iowa, three Supreme Court Justices were voted out of office. And I’m a little upset about it. A huge part of my frustration comes from the fact that they were voted out because of a homophobic reaction to one decision they made during the course of their tenures. In a unanimous ruling…
Setting the Table: The Silverware
Sing vs. 1 & 3 from “For One Great Peace” #2185 in The Faith We Sing This is small part, in one small place, of one heart’s beat, for one great peace. Sitting in the kitchen this week and helping with the United Methodist Women’s supper reminded me of the small part all of us…
the world is my parish…
There is this saying sometimes about Methodists… that we’ll marry and bury anyone. And in my little town, I guess that is true. Most of the weddings that I have officated in these past three years have not been church members. Most of the funerals I have presided over have not been church members. I…
Being Honest about Weakness
Like any one of the rest of us, I have been blessed with particular gifts. I’m lucky enough to have answered a calling that uses those gifts almost every single day. I’m grateful for the opportunities that I have to serve and to put the skills God gave me to use. But like any one…
Setting the Table: The Cup
On a brutally hot afternoon, a lone woman makes the long trek from her village to the nearby well. She brings with her an empty jug. All of the other women had come out to draw up the water early in the morning – before the sunlight would beat down upon the earth. All of…
Grilled Cheesus…
Ready-made just for my blog comes along an episode of Glee called, “Grilled Cheesus.” It begins with a young man named, Finn, discovering that his grilled cheese sandwhich has the face of Christ toasted onto the surface. There are probably a billion different directions that I could take to start to dissect this episode from…