
tomorrow is the big day. I’ll be getting up at 4:30 to shower and then head to the hospital for my surgery. and while I am very ready for this to happen, I also started to get butterflies in my tummy today.

want to know something silly about me? My stomach is very sensitive when I am nervous. As a little girl, I always was sick to my stomach when I spent the night at a friends house. The first night of any camping trip that my family took, I had to be by the flap of the tent for when (not if) I inevitably had to rush outside and harf. Thunderstorms would get me too.

For the most part, I’ve grown out of that feeling. I’m not all topsy turvy when I spend the night in a new place like I used to be. And I am a HUGE fan of thunderstorms. Camping isn’t so bad either. But when I got up this morning, just thinking about all of the things I had to do today to make sure the church was in good hands and that I had passed off every one of the details for the coming two weeks, my head got a little light and my tummy got queasy.

At this point, it’s all out of my hands. I completely trust my surgical team. I know the presence of God will be with me – however all of this goes. I know my husband is going to be around and be supportive. I know all of these things in my head and my heart – but my tummy just hasn’t caught up with the rest of me! =)

preparing for surgery

I visited the surgeon’s office yesterday and now have my surgery scheduled. March 11. Three weeks seems like a long time to keep waiting – as it has been about 2 already. But at same time, I had a few things in my schedule to work around: namely my continuance interview for provisional membership in the UMC.

Until that time, I’m really trying to avoid fats and proteins. After much of the reading I have done, these are the foods that will activate my gall bladder the most. So high-fiber and low-fat eating, here I come. It actually is probably exactly what I need to lose some weight and be a bit healthier too, so I’m not complaining.

My surgery will be at 7:30 in the morning – four small incisions – and I should be home that afternoon. It all seems kind of surreal to think about – I haven’t had surgery since my tonsilectomy when I was little, and don’t really remember much about that. I can’t possibly imagine how I will feel, what I’ll be able to do, how my body will respond. I guess I’ll find out soon!

healthy bodies and christmas candy

I walked out of church this morning (very briskly, I might add, since it was -1 degrees Farenheit!) with my arms loaded with four gift bags full of christmas goodies. Cookies, chocolate covered pretzels, peppermints, etc, etc, etc. Thank you so much to all of the wonderful church members that have blessed Brandon and I with these sweets =)

As I sit here eating some white chocolate covered pieces of pretzely goodness, I suddenly start thinking about that commercial where the people become donuts and burgers… you know – the “you are what you eat” message. And I pause for half a second… before eating the next chocolate covered pretzel.

All things in moderation is a very good motto. My confirmation kids helped me to eat half of this little baggie full of pretzels this morning – it’s probably not so bad if I finish the rest of this one baggie.

But in thinking of moderation, there is such thing as excess and there is such thing as neglect. As in, none at all, zero, zip, zilch (how come all of those start with z’s?). And in thinking of the counter to all of this sugary goodness, I do have to admit that I have done a big fat nada in regards to exercise lately.

I could blame the cold weather, but that’s just an excuse. I’m making a promise to myself, right here, right now, that I’m going to borrow the unused cardio machine at my parents and start using it! I have to use it at least four hours a week… split up however I manage to do it. That is my promise, and if I can borrow it before then, it will be a pre-new years resolution.

It’s not so much a matter of how much I weigh – although I have been scared to step on a scale since before Thanksgiving. But it’s a matter of feeling healthy. I know that my GERD will be helped by losing even five or ten pounds. I know that I’ll have more energy if I exercise more regularly. I know that my back and my neck will feel better. I know all of these things, I just have to do it.


oh… and since i got up early, I made some coffee.

it tastes so good, but in the long run, it’s going to tear my esophoghas in two… i just know it!

I guess you just have to make choices, and this morning, I’m choosing based on my short term sanity vs. long term health. This morning.

crap. I’m procrastinating again.

long time, no post…

lots has been happening in my life and my church/family life lately – but my main excuse for not blogging is that I haven’t been feeling well. Stupid colds.

So far, I have been able to establish a sort of strange routine and get my sermons at least written by Wednesday afternoons. Starting in February, I’m meeting with a group from the church on Monday afternoons for a bit of “roundtable pulpit” action – will explain later.

Last weeekend, my brothers, dad and sister-in-law went to the Packers/Giants game up in Green Bay – and probably froze their butts off.

Will post more later.