Plug into these resources

I have a few go-to websites and resources for church work. And I thought I’d share and encourage you to list your own in the comments! (These come in no particular order)

1) The Text This Week (  This is a lectionary resource that has a wonderful compilation of prayers, commentaries, articles, music, and ponderings from all over the world. 

2) Lectionary Liturgies (  I actually first connected with Thom Shuman’s work through Text Week, but since then I have added him to my blog reader.  I think that he has wonderful prayers that always seem to hit in the right spot with where my preaching is headed for the week. I also appreciate the communion liturgy and try to weave bits and pieces together with our congregational prayer of thanksgiving.

3) Jan Richardson’s art (  I think her pieces are beautiful and she has been working on a lectionary series also at  She now is allowing churches and organizations to use individual pieces through a licensing agreement.

4) Stock Exchange ( – It sounds like a sketchy website, but this is the absolute best resource for stock photography for FREE that I have found.  Amateur photographers post their work to be used for a variety of different applications and I have discovered some amazing pictures here.  Most of my blog pics come from this site.  Most pictures have standard restrictions that just say that your work can’t be sold unless the photographer grants permisison to do so, but the images can be used for logos, illustration, pamphlets, etc.  I use the pictures for slide shows, photo montages, website work… its fabulous.

5) Expression Engine ( – This is the company our church website is through.  They have fantastic customer support, a very simple publishing engine, and wonderful templates. As a non-profit we pay about $10/month for hosting and support… which includes email addresses hosted through our site.  I think it is a fantastic investment.

6) The Work of the People ( – Awesome visual liturgy resources.  My suggestion – buy the 10 for $50 membership pack.  We got resources that lasted us all year long for only $50, which amazingly allowed us to get the entire Lenten Series (6 videos, stills, loops) as ONE of our 10.  Unbelieveable value.