Holy cow… we are back in Iowa

So, for some of you – this blog just may be a good way to keep up with the Dawson’s and all that is happening in our lives. For others of you – you might be checking out what is happening at the church. Others, just want to see if a young woman right out of Divinity School can make things happen in a small Iowa town. Whatever reason you might be checking in – i’ll try to keep at least some of you happy, some of the time.

This blog started out as a place where I could share my frustrations and hopes about the church. I’m REALLY hopeful right now. I’m about to start working (in 3 days!) in a small town United Methodist Church and I couldn’t be more anxious. I’m both really excited and really nervous about if I’m ready, if they are ready, and what this journey is going to be like for all of us together. But I know that no matter what happens there, my husband is right by my side, loving and supporting me and keeping me from being neurotic =) And having a new kitten purring on my lap as I type this helps too.

We just got internet yesterday, so i’m backdating a few posts. I’ll start up talking about all that theology stuff and what i’m going to talk about in my sermons and all of that nonsense in a day or two – for now, I’m still on vacation! Love you all and hope to keep in touch with all of your lives too!!! Oh – and Merry Christmas!

our first iowa snow and our first houseguests

Yesterday we spent quite a lot of time picking up around the house and sorting things out. We sort of have our furniture in the living room set up – but definitely need some more pieces to fill out the space.

Our friends Cara and Paul came over last night too. We played a new board game Carcassone (thanks Joe, Mary, Kayla and Ben!) and Phase Ten, and then played some wii! Whee! As they were driving over the rain turned to ice which turned to snow and they had a hard time making it into town, so we had our first overnight guests in the guest room. Yay!

It snowed most of the night, but also blew a lot, so we don’t quite know how much we got for our first Iowa snowfall. Brandon is out shoveling the sidewalk and driveway right now with Cara’s help. Paul and I headed out shortly after and we switched on and off. Then, we headed to the Amana’s for brunch. YUM!

Later, my little bro came over to help us make a Christmas present for my brother and sister-in-law. it was a ton of fun!

I wrote my first column for the church newsletter yesterday and I’m supposed to send it in, but unfortunately, without internet, it’s still stuck on my computer. It’s so weird to begin writing for all of these people, when I still don’t know them very well yet. I don’t know what they want to hear. But I guess that’s the point. I need to write from my heart and hope that with God’s help it will reach them.

move-in day

Today was move in day. We actually spent the night on an air mattress last night, all alone in our big huge empty house. While the movers came about noon, we had church members at the house about 8am – shoveling the sidewalk from the recent ice storm and bringing over tons of food. We’ll have sloppy joes for a week (err…make that two!)
My dad came over also and helped unload the truck when it arrived – he just can’t sit still while people work! Everything arrived safe and sound, with the exception of Brandon’s desk which broke – for the third time in as many moves. He managed to glue it back together with epoxy however.
Another fantastic gift the church left us was a collection of gift certificates to local businesses. We headed over to the Pamida (which we learned, unfortunately, is owned by Wal-Mart… the evil empire strikes again!) and the Big “G” food store… as well as the local farm and home store. Most important purchase of the day: a snow shovel.
Also – note the deer dumpster! eek… yes, we are back in Iowa.

*edit* While we were informed about the Pamida/Wal-Mart connection, I can find no corroborating evidence… except that in 2006, Pamida hired a former Wal-Mart exec to be their CEO