walking on sunshine #reverb10

This prompt is HARD!!!  First of all, I took a lot of pictures this year, so that was problem number one  not a lot with me in them!  Second, there are so many different “mes” I have tried to be this year. But In answer to the prompt:

December 25 – Photo – Sift through all the photos of you from the past year. Choose one that best captures you; either who you are, or who you strive to be. Find the shot of you that is worth a thousand words. Share the image, who shot it, where, and what it best reveals about you. (Author: Tracey Clark)
It is not a flattering picture of myself… but it is me and my husband out on the water, enjoying the sun. I’m sure it is one that we took ourselves by holding out the camera.  The sunglasses are on, the tongues are out – a sure sign of a good time and silliness, the air is warm, and we are with family enjoying ourselves.
What I see in this picture is life, energy, and fun.
This is the source of the passion I can bring to my ministry.  It is what allows me to recharge my batteries.  Whether it is Hawaii with my mom’s family or out on the river or the lake with my husband’s family, disc golfing in the summer… just being outside, enjoying the creation, letting other people take care of you and taking care of others is important.
What I want is for 2011 to have just as many of these kinds of moments, if not more.  Times to truly relax and to be myself.  Moments to let go and be silly.  Days when I am not on call and don’t have to be anywhere… because they make those days when I do have to be there for others so much easier.


My first choice would have to be: