Thank-You #NaBloPoMo

I am terrible about sitting down and writing thank-you notes.

But when my husband and I were married, we knew that it was something we needed to make a priority. We created special cards using our wedding photos and sat down one weekend to get them all done. I felt so proud of myself for following through on this important part of our wedding.

At the time we lived in Nashville and were coming home for Thanksgiving, so we wanted to hand deliver a few of those cards. We set them in a special place so we wouldn’t forget them.

A couple of years ago, Brandon’s grandma mentioned something about how she had never received a thank-you from our wedding gift. I knew we had made one for her. I was positive that she had simply forgotten or had somehow misplaced the card. Maybe she was thinking of someone else.

But two moves later, I found those thank-you cards. One for my husband’s grandparents and one for our brother and sister-in-law. They were right there, in their envelopes, but had fallen behind the shelf in our writing desk.

Six years after the gift-giving, these loved ones finally got their thank-yous.

Did they know we were grateful?

Of course.

Thank-you-300x199But there is something about handing someone that card, that note, and actually articulating our gratitude that makes all the difference in the world.  David Lose writes at Working Preacher that when we not only recognize our blessing but we articulate it we are doubly blessed.

So say thank-you.

Write that note.

And don’t forget to deliver it 😉

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