law or grace?

i was talking with a friend tonight about guilt and its absolutely pervasive impact on our lives. She was talking about something that is a normal and healthy part of her life and yet there was still residual guilt from societal standards that come up afterwards. Guilt is such a terrible terrible thing. And I


So, I just got linked to an article about the new Bi-Lingual worship service that I am helping to build in our area of the state. See Article Here. I am ASTOUNDED at all of the negative comments. Just a few months ago, I was so excited about the progress made in Nashville and their

spring cleaning

Our church office is getting some early spring cleaning. It is a useable space, but it would be more useful if it were organized a bit better and had proper mailboxes and the resources were labeled… and it would be more comfortable if we painted the bland walls and took down the horrid curtains (sorry


Texts: Genesis 9, Mark 1 This week, we enter the holy and sacred time of Lent. This time of Lent is really a time of blessing – a gift from God that pulls us out of our normal, everyday lives and thrusts us into God’s life. The very idea of being blessed means being set


Today in church, we painted a rainbow. As we remembered God’s promise to Noah after the flood – we affirmed, as a congregation, that we are blessed by God. We follow a God who desires not the death of a sinner, but that we all repent and live. We follow a God who promises to

FF: Fork in the Road

For today’s Friday Five, share with us five “fork-in-the-road” events, or persons, or choices. And how did life change after these forks in the road? 1. the first that comes to mind is a choice in high school. I agreed with the decision of a teacher instead of sticking up for one of my best


So. I’m going back and forth over whether or not to post what my lenten discipline will be. I was all for it, and then I got to thinking about the whole “do it in secret” call of Matthew’s gospel… the appointed reading for Ash Wednesday. At the same time however, discipline needs accountability. With