FF: Bucket List

From Rev Gals: Do you have a “Bucket List”? In other words, from the movie of
the same name, five things you want to see, do, accomplish, etc. before you kick
the bucket?

I actually don’t have a “bucket list”! I have a friend who I know has all of these lists of things that she wants to accomplish in her lifetime, but I have never ever sat down to make a list of those kind of hopes and dreams. I am actually having a really hard time coming up with a list, but here goes (these things are subject to change!)

  1. visit the Czech Republic with my Babi.
  2. Visit NYC and see a show on Broadway.
  3. learn to play guitar ( I know… this is one I’m working on already – but it’s going to take me a while!) and lead worship at my church with the guitar.
  4. plant and grow all of my fruits and veggies for a year in my own garden.
  5. be a mom. (we are hoping to have two kids, but right now my hubby’s totally not ready for them)


  • Processing Counselor

    April 24, 2009 at 3:24 pm Reply

    Yes, Broadway is great!

  • MaineCelt

    April 24, 2009 at 3:54 pm Reply

    Great list! I’d say you did a FINE job coming up with one.

    As for that garden, you GROW, girl! If you haven’t done much gardening, take baby steps first: a container with a couple of tomato plants and some basil planted around the edges… Add in a few new types of plants each year, so you can learn and experiment without feeling totally overwhelmed.

    Gardening is good for the body, but it’s even better for the SPIRIT!

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