Falling Behind

I definately have not been blogging as frequently as I planned at the beginning of the year. If I’m completely honest with ya’ll it’s because I’ve been sucked into the vortex of trying to get “Loremaster” of Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms in the game World of Warcraft. Basically, you have to do 700 quests on


My ghetto cruiser decided to fall apart on Saturday morning. I was stopped at an intersection about three blocks from my house (after driving to Des Moines and back on Friday and to my parents and back right before this incident) when I began to turn the corner. And heard a big clunk and felt


Today has been a lazy day. I’ve spent much of it on the couch playing games and watching movies. It’s been a lazy week, really, and I’m not to proud to admit it. I feel like I’m kind of in a funk right now – like I have been working too hard and I just

Whose Baptism?

For a few weeks, I have felt a bit off in my sermon prep. The pieces I wanted to come together hadn’t, and it just seemed like the message wasn’t connecting with people where they were. This week, I surely had a much different focus going into the sermon than what was produced, but I


I finished the sermon prep last night at about 1:00 and headed off to bed – completely oblivious to the freezing rain outside. I had heard that it was coming, but in all honesty had thought it petered out. My bad. I had planned on getting up at 7, but for the first time on


Tiki is sitting at the base of my chair, mewing for me to pay attention to him. I reach out and scratch his head and before I know it, he’s up on my desk, watching the candles flicker. It’s another Saturday night spent working on the sermon for Sunday. I could use New Year’s as