ABC’s of …

I spent a lot of time in the car last week – having to drive to the hospital in another city and then traveling yet again to meet with my clergy mentor. And as I did so, I kept thinking about how we can really ramp up energy for the fall and then sustain it.

Theologically Worrisome

I’m procrastinating on my sermom fine-tuning by posting here, but it is something that has been troubling me. If people in my congregation are having thoughts that I feel are theologically worrisome, do I let them continue in them, or just keep telling them my own over and over? Specifically, this is about interpreting the

grey area.. greys anatomy

I haven’t written in here for a while. Lots going on. Had a young adult clergy retreat this last weekend and really really enjoyed being with other young pastors and just hanging out. It was good to veg for a while. The whole sermon thing is starting to feel like homework. Especially this week. I

long time, no post…

lots has been happening in my life and my church/family life lately – but my main excuse for not blogging is that I haven’t been feeling well. Stupid colds. So far, I have been able to establish a sort of strange routine and get my sermons at least written by Wednesday afternoons. Starting in February,

and can it be?

i might be getting the hang of this pastor thing… it’s 5:13 on Wednesday and my sermon is finished! Of course, minor editing may come later, but it’s done! My schedule and my time in the office this week has really worked out smoothly… the only question is – can I keep it up?

first series of sermons: thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path… following Christ in the season of Epiphany

okay… so it’s a long title for a sermon series. But I’m starting out this new pilgrimage with my congregation by inviting them on a journey – and the Light of Christ is our guide. Last week we talked about the star that led the wise men to the Christ Child. This week, we’ll talk

first sermon…

I’ve been working on my sermon for days… it was supposed to be done yesterday at the latest, but here I am, on friday night, on my day off, working on my sermon. I don’t even have a proper desk in my office at home yet, so I’m sitting on the floor, laptop on my